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Healing and harmony are possible for you and your pet

Did your pet suddenly develop a strange new habit or behavior that has you perplexed? Or maybe it is an issue that has been going on for years that seems to have no answer. You’ve tried going to the vet, training programs, online searches, only to face the same issue again and again.


Animals don’t always react to pain and stress the way humans do. Their anxieties or physical ailments can manifest in seemingly mysterious ways. 


Your pet is a family member, and watching them struggle can be painful and stressful for you too.


I can help you achieve harmony with your pet and get answers to your questions by connecting with your animal’s spirit. Intuitive Animal Communication is a process in which I tap into your pet’s higher self, and they direct me to the source of their struggles or ailments. You don’t have to live in the same location as me, as my services are energetic. I need only a photo of your pet to be able to communicate with them. 


Intuitive Animal Communication can result in:

  • Energetically assisted healing

  • Transforming behavioral issues

  • Reaching pets that have passed on 

  • Easing animal anxiety and stress

  • Energetically clearing restrictions, imbalances, blockages, and sabotages 

  • Balancing the chakras 

  • Connecting the bridge between spirit and physical, animal and human


As a pet psychic, I hold an accredited practitioner certification in Animal Energy® Communication. I use prescribed methods to reach your pet and relay their thoughts and feelings back to you. The answers to your pet’s physical and emotional issues could be as simple as asking them. I can help you do that. 

More about me ...


Mary Perler

Intuitive Animal Communicator

I have always had a passion for animals, especially pets. I remember as a child, after Sunday service, my family would go on Sunday drives through the country. I would always bring apples or carrots to feed the horses in the pastures. 


At age 12, I was visiting my older sister for summer break to babysit my nephew. The complex she lived in backed up against a large horse pasture, with no barn, residence, or human in sight. Across the fence, there were just magnificent horses for as far as the eye could see. My rebel compassion for horses led me into the pasture. I always had an intuitive connection with animals, so I would gently and quietly approach one of them and lead it over to a stump so I could lift myself onto its back. Sometimes it would just stand there, and I would sit and enjoy the animal’s presence. Other times, the horse would immediately bolt, and I would lay forward on it, reaching my arms around its girthy neck, hanging on for dear life. It would gallop full speed, turning corners abruptly trying to get me off its back. Adrenaline, admiration, fear, and love all coursed through my veins. Until one day, I noticed a man with a shotgun pointed at me. Well, needless to say, those forays with the neighbor horses came to an immediate end.  And that’s when I realized my passion for animals was undeniable.


I have had pets all my life: dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, Guinea pigs, ferrets, birds (but sadly, never horses as much as I love them). I was involved with a ferret rescue and ended up taking in quite a few of them. I couldn’t help but provide a home for the misfits, abandoned, and handicapped. I was most popular with the neighborhood children as the “ferret mom.” They always came over to play with them and take them for walks or learn how to care for them.


As I became older and more spiritually aware, my higher self awoke. I knew there were higher realms of consciousness that I could achieve. Guidance and answers to my questions were at my fingertips, yet I did not know how to access it. I would seek out animal psychics, telepaths, and metaphysical teachers to assist me with issues or questions that I had on my life’s path. I began a spiritual journey with others that taught me tools and ways to help me re-member who I am. I became accomplished with divination (pendulum) and trusting the answers I received in my mind when I asked the Spirit. Through this process, I became more aware and attuned to everything around me.  I came to understand that there was a new chapter in my life about to begin, and that was with the animals. I was excited yet had no idea how it was going to unfold.


My first steps into this new chapter of my life was starting a pet sitting business in my home. Taking care of clients’ pets was fun and challenging. It became a successful business as well. A few years later, we got a new dog that did not tolerate any other dogs. Sadly, it was at this time that my business took an abrupt halt. 


It was with the passing of my beloved English Setter, Zoey, that Divine Guidance directed me to enroll in a course in Energetic Animal Communication. I wanted to communicate with my pets without having to seek out assistance. It changed my life. My psychic and intuitive gifts (that all of us are born with) came flooding back to me. I find myself with the deepest desire to serve the animal kingdom: To bridge the connection and harmonize the relationship of humans and animals.

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